
Camel Milk Powder Price in Pakistan

Original price was: ₨2,500.00.Current price is: ₨2,000.00. & Free Shipping

Susu unta Camel milk powder is a derivative of camel milk that has gained significant attention due to its diverse health benefits and nutritional value. This unique dairy product is being embraced globally, especially in regions like Pakistan, where its availability and affordability have made it a valuable commodity. Camel milk price in pakistan is 2000/- with free shipping to all over pakistan.

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Introduction to Camel Milk Powder

Susu unta Camel milk powder is a derivative of camel milk that has gained significant attention due to its diverse health benefits and nutritional value. This unique dairy product is being embraced globally, especially in regions like Pakistan, where its availability and affordability have made it a valuable commodity. Camel milk price in pakistan is 2000/- with free shipping to all over pakistan.

Benefits of Camel Milk Powder

Nutritional Value

Susu Unta (Camel Milk banifits) contains essential nutrients such as vitamins (A, B, C, and D), minerals, and proteins. These elements contribute to its reputation as a nutritious alternative to traditional dairy products.

Health Benefits

Research suggests that camel milk in pakistan offers various health benefits, including aiding digestion, boosting the immune system, and managing certain health conditions due to its unique composition.

Production Process of Camel Milk in Pakistan

Collection and Storage of Camel Milk

Camel milk undergoes careful collection and storage processes to maintain its quality. Hygienic practices and proper storage facilities are crucial to preserving its nutritional content.

Powdering Process

The powdering of camel milk in pakistan involves a meticulous process where the liquid milk is dehydrated, resulting in a fine powder. This method helps in preserving the milk’s nutrients and extending its shelf life.

camel milk price in pakistan

Camel Milk Powder in Pakistan


The availability of camel milk powder in Pakistan has increased in recent years, making it more accessible to consumers seeking its benefits.

Price Range in Pakistan

The price of camel milk in karachi varies across regions in Pakistan. The affordability factor has contributed significantly to its growing popularity.

Comparative Analysis: Camel Milk Price in Different Cities

The price of camel milk in karachi varies between cities in Pakistan, with Karachi and Lahore having their respective price ranges due to market dynamics and demand.

susu unta camel milk powder

Consumer Usage and Reviews

Common Uses

Consumers use camel milk in pakistan for various purposes, including consumption as a beverage, ingredient in recipes, or as a supplement due to its health benefits.

Customer Testimonials

Many consumers have shared positive experiences regarding the effectiveness of camel milk in karachi, highlighting its impact on their health and well-being.

camel milk in pakistan

Factors Affecting the Demand for Camel Milk

Health Trends

The growing focus on natural and healthier food options has contributed to the increased demand for camel milk in pakistan.

Marketing and Awareness

Efforts in promoting the benefits of susu unta camel milk powder and raising awareness about its nutritional value have positively influenced its demand.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Camel Farming Practices

Sustainable practices in camel farming ensure ethical treatment of animals and minimal environmental impact.

Sustainability Aspects

The production of susu unta camel milk powder aligns with sustainable practices, making it an environmentally conscious choice compared to other dairy products.


In conclusion, camel milk in pakistan stands as a nutritional powerhouse offering various health benefits. Its availability and affordability in Pakistan have contributed to its growing popularity among consumers.


  1. Is camel milk powder suitable for people with lactose intolerance?
  2. How does the nutritional content of camel milk in pakistan compare to cow’s milk?
  3. Can camel milk in pakistan be used as a substitute for infant formula?
  4. What is the recommended daily intake of camel milk in karachi?
  5. Are there any known side effects or allergies associated with consuming camel milk?

camel milk in karachi


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